I chose Heidelberg because it was close to home and because of the wonderful support from my high school choir director and the choral director here, Dr. Greg Ramsdell.
I majored in Music Education because music has been my passion for so many years and I love helping people and making music. I want to make a difference in students' lives just as my previous teachers have done for me.
A major challenge I encountered at Heidelberg was trying to balance all the rehearsals and school work while still maintaining a happy, healthy lifestyle with friends. I managed this by being very hard working during the week and spending hours on the weekend doing homework first and foremost but realizing when I can take a break and just spend time with my friends to help relieve mental stress. Also, having a good support system and people to work with was a big help.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to be a very successful teacher right out of the gate.
Outside of the classroom I was involved in a fraternity, Rho Eta Delta, and the corollary for Zeta Theta Psi, the Zeta Gents. I was a part of a music teachers group called OCMEA (Ohio Collegiate Music Educators Association) as well as the music honorary, Tau Mu Sigma.
My favorite extracurricular activity was being a member of Rho Eta Delta and Zeta Theta Psi because of all the friends that I made by joining those groups. I have friendships that will last my whole life and some of those people I would have never known had I not joined those groups.
One faculty or staff member who impacted my ‘Berg experience would be Dr. Greg Ramsdell. He helped get me to come to this school, he has taught me so much about choral directing and life skills in the 4 years I have been here. He has been the biggest help and influencer in my music career and I am forever thankful for him.
My favorite Heidelberg memory was the homecoming football game my junior year. The Marching Band had been working their butts off to be ready for the game. There were more people in attendance than ever before and the halftime show went great. It was such an amazing experience that I won't ever forget.
My plans after graduation are to try and get a choir or band teaching job somewhere in Ohio near Tiffin or my hometown Norwalk.