Political Science, International Studies and English Writing Major
I chose Heidelberg because it gave me so many different opportunities. When I came on my visit, everyone was incredibly friendly. And when I told them that I wanted to participate in sports, study abroad, and triple major, no one ever told me no; instead, it was "we can make that possible." I was able to try so many different things, from multiple Washington, D.C., internships to joining a sorority to getting to know my professors. It just felt like the land of opportunity to me.
I majored in Political Science, International Studies, and English Writing. I came in as a political science major because I was really passionate about the subject material and about a future in public service. I also was really interested in immigration reform, so I added an international studies major. Dr. Marc O'Reilly recruited me for the program, and there were so many different things I could do in my time here as a Poli Sci major, including things like Model UN, and taking a class and interning in D.C. My sophomore year, I added on an English major because I love writing, and I wanted to grow my skills in that department. The faculty in the English Department are also wonderful people, and I wanted to work with them.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was maintaining good mental health in the wake of substantial change. Learning to live alone and then also dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic came with a lot of anxiety. On top of this, I also moved around frequently because of study abroad and internships, and I dealt with numerous sports injuries during my time here. These things all seemed astronomical at the time, and I sometimes struggled with adjusting. However, I had fantastic support networks that I could turn to, including friends, teammates, sorority members, coaches, professors, and counselors at Stoner Health & Counseling Center. All of these people gave wonderful advice and were there when I needed them. I never felt like there weren't resources available. Instead, I had a great group of people behind me helping me deal with all of life's ups and downs.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to have a solid network of supportive people and move forward with both strong technical skills and good professional soft skills.
Outside of the classroom, I was involved in Zeta Theta Psi, Cross Country and Track, Admission Office, Office of Civic Engagement, Owens Center for Teaching and Learning, Oxford Study Abroad Program, TFAS D.C. Internship Program, National War College Intern, Sisters in Shelter Intern. My favorite extra-curricular activity was Zeta because the people involved are incredibly kind and supportive, and I know I can count on them for anything.
One faculty or staff mentor or advisor who impacted my ‘Berg experience is Dr. Marc O'Reilly because he introduced me to so many new and different experiences through the Political Science Department. I was challenged in the classroom while constantly having new opportunities presented to me. He helped me grow not just inside the classroom, but outside of it as well through travel excursions and internships.
My advice to new freshman me would be to be kind to yourself! Freshman year is a big adjustment, so don't be afraid to reach out for support. Give yourself some grace and try to enjoy the experience.
My favorite Heidelberg memory is Sunday long runs with the distance girls on the Cross Country/Track team.
My plans after graduation are spend the summer working and apply to grad schools.