Biology Major
I chose Heidelberg because of the people. Everyone I have interacted with at Heidelberg has been so kind and welcoming.
I majored in Biology because I love science, and I felt as if I was going to be challenged here. I loved the program and felt like it was the perfect fit for me.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was balancing classes, schoolwork, work, extracurriculars, and a social life. I handled it prioritizing things that mattered to me the most and things that would benefit me in the future. This sometimes meant I had to say no to friends or to events that I wanted to go to so that I could work or get assignments done. Time management became my best friend over the years so I was able to do everything I wanted to.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to take risks. I have been pushed to do things outside of my comfort zone and it has made me grow as a person so much.
Outside of the classroom, I was involved in Delta Sigma Chi, Chemistry Club, Sigma Tau Nu, Tri-Beta, Student Alumni Association, and Rho Eta Delta.
My favorite extra-curricular activity was Student Alumni Association. I loved being able to meet so many alumni and hear their stories. Each person I got the chance to meet was like a little part of Heidelberg history.
One faculty or staff mentor or advisor who impacted my ‘Berg experience is Ashley Helmstetter because she pushed me to take chances and do things outside of my comfort zone. She has given me so many opportunities to be a leader on campus, and has believed in me every step of the way.
My advice to new freshman me would be to say yes to almost everything. It is so great to be involved and it's the best way to make friends. There are so many clubs and groups on campus, you are sure to find at least one that fits you.
My favorite Heidelberg memory is being on Homecoming Court. I loved hanging out with my classmates all week and participating in all of the events. Homecoming has been one of my favorite events and it was so much fun to be voted on to court.
My plans after graduation are to continue my education at Heidelberg and pursue an MBA.